We’re driven
by the desire
to innovate

Our company is wholly owned by the Automobile Club of Italy, a non-economic public body of national importance, for which we carry out activities relating to the infomobility sector and related advanced services. Our work? Collecting, organising and processing information relating to public and private mobility and sharing it through the web, phone, radio and TV channels under agreement and via the app.

To always be your
best travel companion.

Aci infomobility servizio mobilità urbana

We have a
common goal

Ours is a public service aimed at providing useful information for local mobility, integrating all modes of transport, and paying particular attention to the mobility of daily commuters and seasonal issues related to tourism.

Through a proprietary platform and specialised personnel – and drawing on the numerous sources of information in the area – we produce and disseminate omnichannel content that’s free and accessible to all.

A service created with great attention to safety aspects connected to information (public mission) which aims to help citizens with decisions regarding everyday travel and to make mobility more sustainable.

Servizio mobilità urbana extra urbana

Our role in ACI

Infomobility is one issue the Automobile Club of Italy is particularly sensitive to and forms a fundamental part of its institutional mission as a public body which, by statute, is responsible for overseeing the multiple aspects of mobility. In this context, ACI collaborates with the other Public Administrations and Bodies competent in the matter, to “solve problems with developing and organising the mobility of people and goods, as well as developing and improving the road network, signage and assistance equipment, for the purposes of regularity and traffic safety”.

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Our work for the PA

ACI Infomobility is addressed to the Public Administrations, and in particular to Local Authorities and Territorial Bodies, proposing affordable collaboration agreements which aim to offer citizens advanced information mobility services. Where possible, the content produced is integrated with the information and technological systems used by the Local Administrations. In this way, we are able to give our service a necessary local dimension, with particular attention to the features of each individual area.

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Our commitment to people

Thanks to agreements stipulated with the Local and Territorial Bodies, through the Luceverde service we provide citizens with useful information on mobility in their local area. The information is focused in particular on commuter mobility, but without neglecting the main national flows and seasonal issues linked to tourism.

In this period, the service also provides information on mobility related to the Covid-19 health emergency (airport situation, documentation required by law and more).

Group 8

Our organisation chart

Artboard CONSIGLIO DI AMMINISTRAZIONE Presidente: G. La Russa DIRETTORE GENERALE F. Mazzone INTERNAL AUDIT M. Maira DPO FGM IT, GOV, e Security F. Lapreziosa Area Sviluppo e Produzione Area Tecnica – Radio e Sv. BR LV Network Comunicazione e Produzione D. Spizuoco Area Gestione Amministrazione Finanza e Controllo – Risorse umane – Legale – Coordinamento – Sicurezza – Comunicazione interna R. Pennacchia RSPP M. Rosato Sviluppo servizi P. Fioravanti RESP. PREVENZIONE CORRUZIONE TRASPARENZA R. Pennacchia Responsabile Sistemi di Gestione Coordinamento Produzione Settore Contact Center, Social & Web Settore Data collection, Broadcast & Webcast Area Tecnica Pianificazione e Controllo Prod. Comunicazione Ist. e Marketing Amm.ne, Finanza e Controllo di Gestione ACI Radio e sviluppo Broadcast Amministrazione e Valorizzazione del Personale Network Luceverde Servizi Generali e Segreteria ORGANISMO DI VIGILANZA COLLEGIO SINDACALE
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ai dipendenti ACI Infomobility.
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